Monday, 25 October 2010

Start deep, finish deeper

Having recently moved back to Ireland I am no longer training with Tom and Maria Helsby and have rejoined John Roger's dojo in Dublin, Gyo Fu Kan

It's challenging getting used to another club's style. Despite previous and current teachers being Aikikai the individual style of each person's Aikido makes for subtle but distinct differences that take some getting used to.

Two things for me to keep in mind.  I take way too much pride in my ukemi and jump around more than is required, 'performing' as it has been labelled.  Stop performing,

Practicing Irimi Nage it was pointed out that I'm floating up and sinking down instead of staying level throughout the technique.  Better to start deep (always with hips lower then partner's, stay deep and finish deeper in every technique.  Practicing this way I find that an troublesome technique that's not necessarily effecting my partners balance properly becomes devastating to their balance.